
Recently I seem to understand this painting. This painting is titled Women, or Two Women. I decided on this title almost immediately after I finished it, or even when I was making it. Yes, this painting is about two women.

The first woman, young, assertive, determined, having bright piercing eyes and greenish boobs, stands underneath a flow of pink color. The second woman may seem older from her face. Her eyes are foggy, like the atmosphere in a distance in dusk or dawn. Her boobs are yellowish, a warmer color. Her skin color is also warmer. (Look at the greenish skin of the first woman.) She stands in the midst of a flow of black color, but some pink color is touching her head and her left leg is in an area of unpainted canvas. They both have open hands, and they are slightly joined by their little fingers. The space around where they are touching each other is also left as blank canvas.

How did I decide which woman is the first and which woman is the second? I may reverse the order verbally, and it is still the same painting. But will it change the painting when the order we perceive it and make sense of it has changed?

Two Women
Two Women